
Toolbank respects the need to protect your privacy. Our policy is to collect and retain only the information we require to enable us to carry out our obligations. Any information gathered which is not deemed to already be in the public domain will not, under any circumstances, be passed on to any third party.


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Data Protection Responsibility

Toolbank accepts responsibility as Data Controller for all information collected via this website. In its capacity as Data Controller, Toolbank has written undertakings from all third party Data Processors that they will protect all personal data received as requested by the Data Protection Acts of 1984 and 1998.

Click here to download the Dormole Group Data Protection Policy


This Statement is produced in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Toolbank is a trading name used by Curtis Holt Limited, C. A. Clemson and sons Ltd and Finnie & Company Limited who are wholly owned subsidiaries of Dormole Limited and therefore members of the “Dormole Group” as defined in the Dormole Limited Modern Slavery Statement 2023 (the “Dormole Group Statement”).  In relation to its employees and suppliers Toolbank complies with the points made in the Dormole Group Statement and has the same policies as contained in the Policy document attached to the Dormole Group Statement.

This statement was approved by the Boards of Directors of Curtis Holt Limited and Dormole Limited.

It is signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dormole Limited,

Philip Lawrence.